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Full text of "USPTO Patents Application 09827233"

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Doc Code: M865 or FAI.REQ.INTV 

PTOL-413A (10-09) 
Apprwsd for use through 07/31/2012. OMB 0631-0031 

U.S. Patent and Tradamark Office: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 

Applicant Initiated Interview Request Form 

Application No.rj^/^^^ji^i First Named App]icant:__^ jQ jj2£^e5_ 
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(4) _ 

Fig. #s 

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[ ] [ ] 

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[ ] 

[ ] 

[ ] 

An interview was conducted on the above-identified application on 

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PAGE 1/3 * RCVD AT 8/25/20104:30:31 PM [Eastern Daylight Time] * SVR:USPTO-EFXRF-6/31 * DNIS:2733912 * CSID: * DURATION (mm-ss):01-02 

[Independent claims 1 and 2... similar amendments would be made to the other independent claims] 
(Support is provided in parenthesis and corresponds to the published application) 

1. A method for providing email that enables a recipient of the email to navigate readily through 
a set of web pages associated with the email, comprising the acts of: 

composing an email to be sent from an originator to a rec i pie n t [ [ ; ] 1, compris \m; 

the originator selecting from an originator cmail.program an entry point URLfor_atjgast 

one thread, the at least one thread being a list of URLs for the set o J web pages, each URL in the at least 
one thread opens and displays in a recipient web browser a corresponding wen page and a link to a 
subsequent URL in the at least one thread such that the recipient can navigate through the set of web 
pages in a preferred order specified by the originator: (Figs. 3A, 3B and 4, and paragraphs [0021], [0022] 
and [0024]) 

displaying on an originator web browser a. web page designated by the enJtry„point URL; 

{Fig. 4 and paragraph [0025) 

-- saving the URL that identifies the displayed web page to the at least one thread; ( Figs. 

3A, 3B and 4, and paragraph [0025J)and 

choosing to continue the at least one thread by scecifyirg a subsequent URL, the 

originator web browser displaying a web page corresponding; to the subsequent URL and saving the 
subsequent URL that..corresponds to the subsequent displayed web page to the at least one thread fFigs. 
3A, 3B and 4, and paragraph [0026]); 

ffl-^esp^Bse- to-ir+put of the or i g i nator . / goft er-ati pg- a- web ' pag e navigat i on that inc l udes o p l ura l ity 
ef uniform resource l ocators and a preferr e d v i ewing order in whfeh- we fe - p a gC ' S-ident i fied by the 
p l ura l ity of uniform -res owe e l ocators are to bo viewed by the recipient; 

associating the nav i gat i Qw gt least one thread with the email (Figs. 2, 3A, 3B and 4, and 
paragraphs [0021] and [0024]); and 

sending the email and the nav i aation at least one thread to the recipient (Figs. 2, 3A, and 3B, and 
paragraph [0021]}. 

2. A method for guiding a recipient of an email readily through a set of web pages associated 
with the email, comprising the acts of: 

receiving an email with at least one thread, the at least one thread being a list of URLs for the 
set of web pages which were previously viewed by an originator in a preferred order, each URL in the at 
least one thread opens and displays in a recipient web browser a corresponding web page and a link to a 
subsequent URL in the at least one thread such that the recipient can navigate through the set of web 
pages in the preferred order of the originator (Figs, 2, 3A, 3B and 4, and paragraphs [0021]-[0024]; 

feeejvwg-» web page navigat iefl-ass eetet e d w i th the ema il? 

selecting in the email an entry point URL to. a web page designated in the at least one thread as 

a starting point to begin viewing the set of web pages in the preferred order of the originator (Figs. 2, 3A 
and 3B, and paragraph [0023]); 

passmg -t-heweb page navigation to a web brewse^displaying in the recipient web browser a 
wgbjBa Ee,corresponding_to_.the entry point URL and a link to a subsequent URL in the at least one thread 
(Figs. 2, 3A and 3B, and paragraph [0021] and [00231) ; and 

cnoosing to continue viewing the set of web pages In the preferred order of t he orig inator by 

selecting the subsequent URL, the recipient web browser displaying a web page corresponding to the 

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subsequent URL and a link to a subsequent URL in the at least, one thread (Figs. 2, 3A and 3B, and 
paragraph [0021] and [0023]) L 

disp l aying by the weta-browscr-a-fifcfe^ 

web page nav i gat i on-arc4 ' P - bc-¥ie w ody 

where i ntheprefcrredv i ew i n g - Br der-is - ine Uidecl-m -t he- n evlgatfe-R? 

We believe that the proposed amendments narrow the claims sufficiently to overcome the applied art 
(e.g., U.S. Patent No. 6,859,213 (Carter) and U.S. Patent No. 6,963,901 (Bates)). For example, Carter 
discloses using an email attachment program to send web pages to a recipient. Currently the Board 
response and your Office Action interpret the attachment bar of the email program as reading on the 
claimed web page navigation that includes a plurality of uniform resource locators in a preferred 
viewing order (the order the author of the email chose to upload the attachments}. 

We propose amending claim 1 to distinguish the process of providing email that enables a recipient of 
the email to navigate readily through a set of web pages associated with the email, from Carter's 
process of using an attachment bar of an email program to send an email with attachments. For 
example, Carter's process of composing an email does not allow a user to select an origination URL from 
the email program, open a web browser displaying the origination URL, save the URL that identifies the 
displayed web page to a thread and continuing the process in a similar manner until the thread contains 
a set of web pages to be viewed by a recipient in a preferred viewing order. 

Additionally, we propose amending claim 2 to distinguish the process of guiding a recipient of an email 
readily through a set of web pages associated with the email, from Carter's process of a recipient 
opening email attachments in the order they were uploaded. For example, in Carter's process the 
recipient is not presented with subsequent links in a preferred viewing order on the recipient's browser, 
and thus the recipient has to refer back to the recipient's email program for the links and the preferred 
order of viewing the links. 

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